Seal of Darkness! (1)

After crying for a while, Yun Li finally stopped. As he lifted his tear streaked head up, he saw Zhou Weiqing lounging on the sofa on the opposite side, looking at him with a smiling face.

“Sigh, a loss is a loss, let’s find a place to go through the Sealing then.” Yun Li said with an angry hmph, before keeping his own design from the table.

Zhou Weiqing smiled faintly and said: “Bro Yun Li, I know you are angry and unreconciled in your heart, perhaps extremely unwilling. However, I can give you two opportunities to escape your fate; as long as you reach any one of them, I will dissolve our agreement and any Seal on you…”

Yun Li started, his eyes filled with wariness as he said cautiously: “What else do you want? I’ve already lost my entire self to you, isn’t that enough?”