Accomplished! The Immortal Deity Technique (1)

Could it be that... His Immortal Deity Technique was tailored for the sake of Saint Energy?

What a simple, smooth breakthrough of the 29th Death Acupuncture Point! Zhou Weiqing was completely struck dumb by astonishment. After all, his breakthrough of the 28th Death Acupuncture Point that enabled him to enter the seventh jewel level just took place a short, short while ago. I've already broken through the 29th Death Acupuncture Point? Other than finding it to be beyond logic and above reason, there were absolutely no other words that Zhou Weiqing's could use to describe this phenomenon.

It looked like he did not even have to store his energy if he used the Saint Energy to cultivate his Immortal Deity Technique. Even though he had not attempted it yet, he knew that he would need more Saint Energy to break through the next Death Acupuncture Point. Calming the excitement that he felt in wanting to try for the next breakthrough, he gradually ended his cultivation.