Accomplished! The Immortal Deity Technique (2)

Shangguan Fei'er suddenly exclaimed, "Look at his wrists!"

The three Shangguan sisters quickly shifted their eyes. Gaping in astonishment, their eyes widened in shock. Nine dazzling Heavenly Jewels were appearing on Zhou Weiqing's wrists at this moment.

This had completely gone beyond the logic that they understood. They thought to themselves, "In just 10 freaking days?! How could he possibly increase his level from the seventh to the ninth jewel in such a short time? He's not even 22 years old yet for f*cks sake!" It was not that there was nobody who had managed to reach the Upper level of Heavenly Zong before 30 years old but it was extremely rare! From the looks of Zhou Weiqing's current situation, it was very likely that he would be able to reach the Heavenly King level before he turned 30.