Full Moon Wheel

The scorching sun hung high in the sky as the crowns of the two gigantic trees shaded a vast region from the firmaments. This made it surprisingly cooling despite it being midday.

This was further accentuated when the green-skinned youth, Tianjie, spoke. It was as though every being in the world had held their breaths as the air permeated a bone-biting chill.

"It's said that you humans experience a calamity that wipes out your race every three thousand years. Oh, This King recalls it to be called the Apocalypse?"

The corners of Tianjie's mouth suffused a taunting sneer. "Every time the Apocalypse comes, an Infernal King known as the Original Sin of Calamity will first descend and kill all the experts of humanity. Following that, troops known as the Seven Deadly Sins will wipe out the remaining weak humans who had just lost their experts and engage in a slaughter of the entire race.