Transcendental Nine Transformations

The Transcendents possessed an inborn ability known as the Transcendental Nine Transformations.

This was an ability that stimulated one's vital potential, allowing their bodies to be greatly enhanced for a short period of time.

All their characteristics—strength, burst strength, speed, endurance, defense, etc—would undergo a qualitative change.

The Transcendental Nine Transformations had nine levels. It went from the First Transformation to the Ninth Transformation. Each rise in level enhanced the Transcendent's strength several times, but the burden on the body would also increase.

Ordinary Transcendents could mostly use the First Transformation, and those that could use the Second Transformation were considered elites. Anyone that could use the Third Transformation was considered combat generals, and once one could use the Fourth Transformation, they typically had the right to vie for the throne of the Transcendent King.