Chapter 126

The trident of the Goddess of Ocean was named The Wrath of the Waves. It was a famous great weapon. It was the object created when God created the world, and had been deeply buried in the sea, condensing the strength of the holy mission of "Ocean". It was said that when the Goddess of Ocean was still a demigod, she once held this great weapon and separated the sea, and repelled the other six demigods of the deep sea. That was how he won the supreme throne.

After her official apotheosizing, she spent a great deal of time condensing the armor on her with divine power. She had not completed it until today, so it had not yet been given a name.

But the power of this armor was unquestionable. She had tried in private to use the Wrath of the Waves to stab this armor; it left only a small wound. Although she did not use too much force at the time, if it was able to endure to the power of the Wrath of the Waves, its solidity could be sufficiently proved.