Chapter 127

Sui Xiong crazily laughed and raised the specially-modified trident without any compassion in his heart in the face of the Goddess of Ocean, who felt as if she was not living due to the poison. She could only roll and twitch there, without the strength to escape, let alone fight back.

Just as he was preparing to approach the Goddess of Ocean and completely end the life of the female tyrant, there were many Gods and believers rushing out from the Holy Kingdom surrounded by turbulent flows. They knew that they were absolutely not opponents of the huge jellyfish that knocked down the Goddess of Ocean. Many were scared but bravely rushed towards him.

The holy envoys stopped in front of Sui Xiong and tried to protect the Goddess. The believers tried to move the seriously injured Goddess to the Holy Kingdom for healing.

Obviously, Sui Xiong wouldn't let them hinder him. He yelled and threw away the trident which directly stabbed the Goddess of Ocean.