Chapter 45

The Kings of Abyss gathered together once again, surrounding the huge corpse as they discussed amongst themselves.

The King of the first floor in the Abyss, who was also known as "Guardian of Dungeon," was dead. The corpse lay before everyone.

Some Kings tried to take a bite of it, but in the end, it was only a waste of time. It was extremely tough. Whether they tried to tear or chew, grind or cut, burn or corrode... all efforts were in vain.

After a while, even the greediest King lost interest.

"Why did he die?" the Goddess of Fresh Blood asked. "This is a very important question."

"Don't know. He only said that he was doing an experiment and that there would be a result very soon. Then, he said that there was indeed an outcome within expectations... Then he died." The huge eyeball described everything that it saw.

"Was it due to old age?"

"Did he die of exhaustion?"

"Did someone attack?"