Chapter 46

The God of Justice sent over the weapon that he normally used, a holy battle-axe of higher order, called "Courage."

The axe was only a normal lumber axe back then, and Yorgaardman was only a common lumberjack in the north countryside back then too.

Lumberjacks did tough work and the income was very low. They would also be exploited by the owner of lumber mill. So many lumberjacks would fell trees illegally in the forest.

It was of course dangerous, as the nobles declared that the entire forest belonged to the feudal lord, chopping any tree and any blade of grass would be a great offense. Plus, the extreme Druids viewed anyone who chopped trees as an enemy of nature and swore to punish such criminals. Not taking those mentioned earlier into consideration, the beasts, snakes and insects in the forest itself were dangerous enough.