Chapter 84

Wor made about ten slashes in one goal. Every slash hit the god of Spellcaster, Ymirjar le-Peyroux, and it included one of the extraordinary divine powers, God of War light blade.

But, in the end, there wasn't a result.

Dealing with such a situation, even he who was as strong-willed was feeling a little worried and stepped back.

It was a creepy incident, a warrior fighting with a mage. Not only did they not try to get close to kill each other; they retreated in a hurry to pull apart their distance.

Spectators that were looking at the sight were all shocked. There was a believer from Void Mask Church that lacked fighting experience, yet was passionate, who couldn't help but shout, "Don't retreat! Continue to fight!"

Wor naturally heard that, but he didn't dash forward. Instead, he smiled bitterly.