Chapter 85

As to what happened inside the burst of bright light, the ones who were most clear as to what happened were the two parties involved in it. However, the only one who appeared to fully aware of everything was Sui Xiong, as the God of Spellcasters seemed to still be in a daze!

He only knew that, after he had heard the curses being uttered from underground, he was sent flying by an unimaginably violent strike, to the point that he was blasted out of the main plane, into the far reaches of the outer void. Although he had relied on the effects of the Divine Spellcasting and his shield hadn't been broken, the tremendous impact still made his head dizzy and his vision spin, sending his divine power flowing, as though it were a stream.

"How is this happening?" The rainbow lights that were covering him emerged. It was the incarnation of the Master of Mystery!