Chapter 156

Leon did what he said he would. He swung his Eagle Sword again.

It seemed like there was no difference from the last time. Its aura was still that of the eagle wings spread across the sky. But if one looked carefully it was evident that compared to a minute before, the sword seemed alive. It was like a real eagle instead of a sword.

It was a unique eagle, neither fierce nor handsome. It was only huge and lively. It could almost cover the sky when it spread both its wings. But when it flew it was an ordinary eagle without even one bit of greatness.

The sword's aura suddenly broke through the long sky and pushed towards the Orc Emperor's flag. The elder of the church straightened up and raised the staff of imprisonment up high. He gave a shout as blood flew out of his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. A circle of red light shot out from the staff of imprisonment like a flame. It acted as a shield, blocking the direction of the sword's aura.