Chapter 157

According to the voting results from all the gods, the King of Order split the position of the Sun God into three parts—the main part went to the God of Fire Element, dawn and dusk went to the Goddess of Twilight, and the remaining one-third was waiting for anyone suitable to take it.

The Goddess of Twilight was excited as she had expected to gain nothing; the God of Fire Element was more or less satisfied. For those who had reached the realm of the sun, the pending one-third of the position was like the carrot hanging in front of a donkey, inducing the latter to be determined to strive for it.

After the distribution had been announced, the Sun God's body shook fiercely, and a golden light slowly floated upwards—the physical form of the position of the "sun" with which one could be the new Sun God.

Seeing this, the crowd of gods couldn't help but expose their thirst, though none of them really thought of grabbing it.