Chapter 111

The soul of Hogg Bale eventually lost to the hell Messengers. He was knocked down by several hell Messengers, and then he was tied up like a rice dumpling. They raised his arms and legs and moved him away.

They smiled happily and were filled with a sense of accomplishment.

hell hadn't caught a demigod villain like Hogg for many years. On the one hand, demigods were immortal, and they never got sick. Unless they were killed, they were unlikely to die. On the other hand, even if they were dead, their souls would have enough power to support them until their saviors arrived.

As for the saviors, naturally, they were the different gods.

If demigods wanted to offer their services, a lot of gods would be willing to protect them, especially since those evil gods didn't care whether the faith fit or not. It was worthy of offending hell to fight for such subordinates.