Chapter 112

Compared to the scene when Hogg Bale had been executed on the first day, the trials and executions of the next few days were relatively ordinary.

It was not because the people who were executed were not in high positions. In fact, all the people who were executed in these days were aristocrats. There were no civilians among them. Many of them were great aristocrats, and more than one chief of the big tribes was put on the guillotine.

However, compared to Hogg Bale, their weight was a bit light.

Sui Xiong thought that his drama was not good enough. He didn't arrange it well. Actually, he should have executed Burton Tiger on the first day. He should have executed a Legendary Master both on the second day and the third day. When the audience would think about which Legendary Master would be executed next, he would suddenly execute Hogg on the fourth day. That would be more shocking.