The Next Level

"I'm more concerned about how much of his true strength Lear used," Milo said. The Moon crowd was not used to being relegated to onlookers.

"I hear Wang Zheng has no Ability X. No matter how flawless his basics are, he's still but an excellent grunt soldier – useless. Lear looks indomitable, though."

Achilles waved it off. "Forget all that useless chatter. Focus on ourselves. Since Lear has started to get serious, then it's about time we do too."

No matter how collected Achilles appeared, a trickle of anger simmered within him at the current situation as well. To what extent this rage would manifest remained to be seen.

Taros narrowed his eyes. He had yet to meet someone more dangerous than Lear. His thinking was a full leap ahead of the average person, layered with complexities.

But human calculations always bowed down before fate. Despite his machinations, he had not foreseen the unknown factor, Wang Zheng.