Change of Fate

Theory. In the end, it was all theory. Just like batteries, for example. In theory, a battery which required charging once every 10 days would really have to be charged once every three days.

The other laboratory members nodded as well. The Wind God's output levels had reached a sublime balance, and additional components could no longer be attached. In order to facilitate displacement, is shields were thin. Unless they wanted to take a leaf out of the Wargod No. 1's book and completely do away with shields?

Ye Zisu smiled encouragingly. "I know this is a huge challenge. But none of us are satisfied and ready to give up. I'm thinking that we can add on a few interesting design changes without any additional components that might affect the energy setup…"

Click. A schema and initial workplan draft appeared on the projector screen.

Everyone was stunned. Would this work?