The Problem with Returning Customers

After Xiao Yan had finished bathing her Dragon-Li cat and carried it out, everyone could see that its attitude was different from before. It was completely relaxed, and it lay in her arms gently and pleasantly. Zhang Zian had said that bathing your cat with your own hands could strengthen the relationship between you, the owner, and your cat. The crowd did not believe it at first, but now they had witnessed the transformation of the Dragon-Li cat, and they had to believe.

"Boss, thank you so much!" Xiao Yan hugged the Dragon-Li cat tightly, and was so moved that she did not know what to say. "You’re welcome. To be able to satisfy the customer is this shop’s honor," Zhang Zian replied politely. She placed the Dragon-Li cat back into the cat carrier and took out her wallet to pay. But then she thought for a moment and asked, "Boss, can I only pay for a single washing here?" Zhang Zian was confused. "? ? ?"