The New Direction

Zhang Zian had been immune to their crazy teenager thoughts. "Well, you guys would stay in your dorms and play online games anyways. Why not use that time to do something that is, in fact, meaningful? Here is my offer: you have to work two hours a day. One hour at noon and one hour at night. Your major responsibility is to clean, do odds and ends, and run errands for me. The hourly wage is 50 Yuan an hour and you can also eat two meals with me. That’s all for now. We can discuss further in the future. Who is interested?"

100 Yuan and two meals a day?! Sounds like a good deal! They could make 3000 Yuan a month by only working two hours a day. That was almost as much as what people made working full time. Who would reject such an attractive offer? Like Zhang Zian said, if they stayed at their dorms, all they did all day was play online games and talk on the BBS.