No Way Out

The middle-aged housewife continued, "Don’t try to fool me! I know your store is going out of business, so you are trying to sell all the stocks. This is such a normal thing. Don’t be sad! Why don’t you sell that dog to me for 1500 Yuan? I will take it home and you don’t have to feed it."

That was unexpected. Chen Taitong said, "No, madam, please don’t joke around. A purebred border collie for 1500 Yuan? I will lose too much over this deal."

"That’s fine. Goodbye then!" the middle-aged housewife left without saying anything else.

The atmosphere turned even more embarrassing. The boss had to be really mad at this point. The staff all pretended to be busy so the boss would not scold them.

"You all are rubbish!" Still, Chen Taitong had to let his anger out.

"Welcome! Everything 50% off today!" There came the voice of the workers trying to get customers to come in.

A young lady about 17 or 18 years old walked in the store.