The Survey

Before Stars Pet Chain Supermarket on the east side started its promotion, the number of customers for Zhang Zian seemed to drop a little. However, as soon as the promotion began, his customers remained at the same level as last weekend.

People who came in the store would not always spend money. Pets are not a necessity. Most people would compare prices and then make a decision. As long as the customers remembered Amazing Fate Pet Shop, it was better than nothing.

He was always busy during the day.

Zhang Zian copied a short survey. If a customer completed a survey, he/she would get a free small calendar, no matter if they spent any money in the store. Zhang Zian bought those calendars in bulk. This year was half gone, so he got those calendars for dirt cheap…

Questions on the survey:

1. How did you hear about this store?


B. Internet influencers

C. Friends

D. Happened to walk by

2. Your age:

A. 40+

B. 30+

C. 20+

D. Always 18, just like Mr. Manager