The Desired Benevolence

Not far north of Amazing Fate Pet Shop, there was Zhong Hua Road bus station.

The No. 39 bus slowly drove close to the station and stopped. Both doors opened at the same time. The crowd who had been waiting for the bus immediately rushed to the front door. From the back, a lady got off the bus with a little boy.

When there were no more people getting on or off the bus, the bus driver pushed a button. The doors closed. The bus drove out of the station and headed towards the next stop.

The lady was about thirty years old. She looked quite young. By the way she dressed and the fact that she took the bus, one would suspect she came from a normal family.

Her name was Gu Le. She had just taken her son back from his friend’s birthday party and was about to head home. Zhong Hua Road stop was the closest station to her home. She had to walk relatively far from there to get home.