The Dead End

It was nighttime before everybody got out of work.

It was the Stars Pet Chain Supermarket east district franchise store.

Chen Taitong was reading the sales performance report for the weekend, upset. The staff were all quiet so the boss wouldn’t let his anger out on them.

"Tell me why! We have a 50%-off promotion and sales went down?!" No matter whom he was looking at, that person would bow his head down more.

In fact, the staff weren’t stupid. If the boss could not ramp up sales, they couldn’t really do anything.

The boss is the boss. He had to let it out on someone. No one could help that. The staff were praying that someone else would be the "lucky" one.

A few smart staff, including the one blamed in front of the customers, already knew this store wouldn’t last long so they started looking for a new job. If a 50% off promotion could not boost sales and change the situation, this shop was pretty hopeless.