Running Away

Quietly opening her bedroom door, Jiang Qianxue saw no one in the corridor, so she immediately returned to her bedroom for her cell phone and selfie-stick, tiptoed out of the bedroom, and then gently closed the door.

Looking down the stairs, she saw her mother was on the phone, holding Snowball in her arms, and her father was sitting in the living room, reading a file with his glasses on. It seemed that she could take advantage of this opportunity!

She was happy. Learning from previous lessons, she put her body lower, moved forward step by step from behind the couch. The tall leather sofa blocked her body. The crashing sound of her father turning the pages and her mom’s conversation covered her subtle footsteps.

The entrance was getting closer and closer. Victory was only a few steps away!

In Snowy’s mind, there was a perfect simulation of how to quietly put on her shoes at the entrance, and slip out of the house without anyone noticing…
