Tit for Tat!

As soon as she left home, Snowy hopped in a taxi and went towards Amazing Fate Pet Shop.

With her cell phone in her hand, she was going through a long struggle. Then she turned on her phone.

Tons of messages popped out as soon as she opened Weibo.

"Where has Snowy been? No live show for a few days already!"

"Is she sick?"

"Did she have an accident?"

"To the previous message: stop it, don’t jinx!"

"Sh*t! I care about Snowy, okay? She’s never disappeared like that. She would post new statuses on Weibo and WeChat even when she didn’t have live shows. Now she is completely gone!"

"Stop the fighting! We are all her fans!"

"Honestly! Who could contact Snowy and find out what is going on?"

"Why did you ask? You are a huge fan and always talk to her in the live show. You go ask her!"

"Calm down! I only talk to her online. I have never met her in person. I don’t know where she lives or her cell phone…"

"Hell! Waste of time!"