Ready for The Fight

Zhang Zian didn’t reach out his hand for the handshake. Chen Taitong put down his hand slowly. The two men looked at each other quietly.

Chen Taitong’s staff kept glancing at them both as they were selling the pets. They had to pay close attention so they could leave if anything happened. Some staff members, who were planning to leave Stars Pet Chain Supermarket for good, looked at Zhang Zian. They thought Zhang looked quite young, so he might not be a good boss.

Chen Taitong’s smile cooled down. He didn’t think Zhang Zian would start a fight, although he was hoping Zhang would beat him up so he could call the police and put Zhang in jail. He wouldn’t be able to do anything in the pet industry after he got out of jail.

Snowy pointed the camera at Zhang Zian. Everyone knew he was going to take action otherwise he wouldn’t have walked over. Only spoken warnings might not work at this point.