The Ocean’s Roar

The seven Rainbow Fighters were frightened by the cat's scream. They searched and couldn't stop laughing when they saw Old Time Tea.

"What a weird cat, wearing a vest and a hat!"

"The owner is quite nice. He is keeping an old cat that can barely walk!"

"This cat is a piece of cake!"

"Your master is going to be beaten up by us! Are you coming to save him? No worries, I will beat you up as well."

Putting down his cell phone, Zhang Zian looked at them as if he was looking at seven corpses. He sighed and persuaded, "Let me tell you. You can still get out of here and save your lives. Otherwise, I am not sure what is going to happen."

The seven Rainbow Fighters didn't believe him and laughed.

"Are you stupid? We should run away? Why? Because of this half-dead old cat?"

"I don't even know how many of those cats I killed in my hometown!"

Zhang Zian nodded. "I warned you. You are going to regret this if you don't listen to me."