Learn Kung Fu To Get Girls

Aunt Li’s husband rushed back. He was wearing quite a bit of clothes, so he was sweaty all over.

"Hon…Honey, I… I called the police and… the ambulance. They will be here shortly. I already told them it was important!" he said as he wiped off the sweat.

"Honey?" He was surprised that Aunt Li didn’t respond.

"I don’t think that will be necessary…" Aunt Li murmured, "We might have put our fingers in his pie…"

"What? What are you talking about?" The husband was confused. He thought Aunt Li might be too scared and didn’t know what she was talking about.

Following Aunt Li’s eyes, he saw that the Amazing Fate Pet Shop was dark. They could not see anything in there, but there was a man standing at the door…

"Is that… the owner? He didn’t get hurt?" He rubbed his eyes.

And then he saw that there were several men lying outside the store.

"What…What is going on?" He was even more confused.

Aunt Li forced a smile, "Honey, I think we are over thinking… He had to know Kung Fu…"