The Fairy Cat

Knowing that Old Time Tea accompanied the juvenile Ye Wen to practice martial arts and knowing that it was blessed by the 2000-year spirit of Chinese martial arts, Zhang Zian wasn't surprised that Old Time Tea could KO the seven Rainbow Fighters in no time. However, he was amazed that Old Time Tea could beat up all seven men so quickly and so precisely all while throwing their bodies in front of the store into the Chinese characters "benevolence" and "righteousness". That was f*cking awesome!

He returned to the store and turned on the light. Upon seeing the mess in the shop, he was sad.

"Buddy, don't be sad," Old Time Tea said slowly after drinking one sip of tea. "When something is broken, a new and better replacement has to be established.."

Old Time Tea always had its own way of comforting Zhang Zian. He nodded.

"Didn't you want to renovate the store? This is an excellent opportunity," it continued.

"That's right."