No Raw Food

It was evening time.

Zhang Zian was resting on the recliner.

Since the glass door was broken, the cold wind rushed into the store without anything stopping it. The store was as cold as it was outside. He didn't want to fall asleep in case he caught a cold in his sleep; therefore, he sometimes stood up to move around and sometimes played hide-and-seek with Galaxy.

"Grandma Tea, more tea for you?" he asked Old Time Tea.

Old Time had turned back into the laid-back, quiet, old cat. It was sitting on the electric blanket with both front paws tucked into its chest, happily watching TV. It could have a drink of tea by only dipping its head and not moving another muscle.

"I'm okay. I have plenty," Old Time Tea smiled.

"Okay," Zhang Zian didn't get up. He was planning to close the store in a bit.

"Do you really understand the meaning of 'I have plenty'?" Fina stood up from the highest cat tree, staring at him.

Zhang Zian was confused. "Doesn't it mean what it reads?"