A Door in Galaxy’s Heart

Aunt Li and her husband had been doing business in this area for quite a while. They had some returning customers who were students, white collar workers, nighttime runners, and even some dog walkers.

It was funny how even dog walkers became their customers. One time, a person was walking by the food cart with a huge dog. He bought 50 yuan's worth of BBQ skewers. Aunt Li and her husband thought that he was taking the skewers home to share with friends and family; however, the customer gave the meat to his dog.

Of course, such behavior disgusted other customers. So later on, when a customer came by with a dog, Aunt Li or her husband would ask who the skewers were for. If the customer was planning to feed the dog with the skewers, they would have him feed it somewhere else.

"Honey, how much more do we need?" Seeing that there were no customers around, Aunt Li secretly asked her husband.