Feeding the Cats

"Here are your chicken skewers. The total is 12 Yuan. Would you like to eat here or take them to go?" Aunt Li quickly gave the skewers and change to the customer.

"Three chicken and two lamb skewers," said the other customer.

"Sure." Uncle Li took five skewers out of the plastic wrap-covered tray, cutting at the thick parts of the meat a few times. "Would you like any pepper or cumin on them?"

At that time, Aunt Li stabbed her husband with her elbow.

"What are you doing? You made me put on too much pepper!" Uncle Li was not happy and apologized to the customer, then took out a new one from the tray.

Aunt Li ignored his words and stabbed him some more, even getting to his waist.

"You…stupid woman!"

"Master Zhang is coming!" she whispered.

"Ah?" Uncle Li stopped what he was doing and looked up.

Zhang Zian stood across the street, smiled at the couple, and raised his hand to wave.

"Still with the cats from his shop," Aunt Li whispered again.