Compensation Exchanged for Commutation

A Mercedes stopped in front of the shop. Xiao Yan got out of the car and walked in.

"Mr. Zhang, I heard the news, but I have been so busy these days…" She walked in the shop, took off her sunglasses and looked around with sympathy.

"No problem. It is over." Zhang Zian didn't need her comfort, but wanted her to recommend a reliable design and construction company as this industry was very tricky.

Zhang Zian said, "You did remind me before that it was easy to dodge an open spear thrust, but difficult to guard against an arrow in the dark. With that being said, the arrow in the dark came." He pointed to the broken glass.

Xiao Yan raised her hand to press against her temple, as if she was having a headache, and said,"But I did not expect them actually be so despicable, trying to destroy the shop entirely... Why didn't you tell me? Otherwise, I could have at least helped a little."