Condition to Appear Invisible

Zhang Zian looked at the Elfin detective tips and was astonished.

This time, the Elfin was extremely close to him. In fact, he'd rather it was farther away.

The circle showing the location of the elfin covered the entirety of Binhai University…

Oh no! To find an elfin at the university?

That's disappointing!

The difficulty of finding Old Time Tea, who appeared in Mt. Hidden Fog, was nothing compared to this one.

It was definitely easier to find an elfin in the rural area than a highly populated place.

Binhai University was a four-year school. It wasn't the best university in the country and its students mostly came from the local area. However, from undergraduate to graduate schools, there are tens of thousands of people on that piece of property, not counting faculty members and workers...

There were too many students, classrooms and dorms. Where should he start?

The dorms?