Calling Its Real Name

Zhang Zian carefully analyzed all three restrictions and found them to be very reasonable, especially the last one – when a pet appearing invisible attempted to attack someone, it would automatically resume visibility. This restriction resolved the potential threat that an invisible pet might bring to a normal person.

If Elfins became overly powerful and could do whatever they wanted when invisible, it would be very dangerous to the human world.

He then asked, "Is there any harm to the elfin if it appears invisible?"

[Navigation Elf]:No.

Zhang Zian was at ease. The Navigation Elf didn't have to trick him. It had never lied to him anyways. However, sometimes he could not fully understand the deep meaning in Navigation Elf's words.

"How can I make the benevolent and righteousness cat appear invisible?"

[Navigation Elf]:Call its real name and then deliver the invisible command.