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The Fading Memories

Zhang Zian could easily guess what happened next.

Guo Dongyue was well educated. Being a designer had turned him into an extremely detail-oriented person. He comforted his mom, but he couldn’t fall asleep after hanging up the phone. The next day, he flew back to China, went directly to his mom’s house and wanted to take her to the hospital. His mom was resistant because she didn’t think she was sick. Guo Dongyue spent much time persuading her to go with him.

They went to various hospitals, but nothing was found. Finally, one hospital was able to diagnose her problem - Alzheimer’s disease. She was in the early stage of the disease but some of the symptoms were already quite obvious.

Guo Dongyue blamed himself for not noticing his mom’s sickness. He researched this disease online. Although it was not clear what the exact cause for Alzheimer’s disease wa, many elderly people who had lost their spouse or who were depressed were more likely to obtain it.