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Zhang Zian listened very patiently to Guo Dongyue's story, and making sure that Guo Dongyue had finished the story, he began to ask, "What can I do to help you?"

Guo Dongyue remained silent and absorbed in his thoughts, then he spoke slowly. "When I was in elementary school, my family kept two parrots."

Zhang Zian turned around and looked at Richard, and he didn't know what to do—if Guo Dongyue wanted to borrow Richard, how was he going to say no?

"Not grey parrots." Guo Dongyue seemed to have read Zhang Zian's mind. "They were a pair of peach-faced lovebirds."

"Oh, I see." Zhang Zian rested assured, but he felt guilty about the fact that he felt relieved. If Richard was just an ordinary grey parrot, he wouldn't mind lending it to Guo Dongyue, but Richard was not just an ordinary parrot.