WebNovelPet King12.68%

An Important Mission

Hearing Sun Xiaomeng’s explanations, Zhang Zian now remembered that his parents never let him touch the parrots in the store. So, they had already known about PBL and psittacosis? It was too bad that he had no way to prove it.

Sun Xiaomeng said, "Well, you are a pet shop owner. I recommend you study more in your spare time. Things like that are common sense in the industry."

What the heck? This was way more in-depth than common sense. Zhang Zian was unhappy.

She looked at Richard, "Where did you get this parrot? Are you selling parrots now in addition to cats and dogs? If a parent brought a parrot home and you didn’t tell them the potential of getting PBL and psittacosis, they might sue you afterwards."

Zhang Zian had never thought about that. He said, "I am not planning to sell parrots, at least for now. This parrot… I got it for company."