WebNovelPet King16.98%

Will Go Viral

In Zhao Qi's opinion, these kittens' dances were impeccable, whether in the aspects of rhythms or choreography—well, maybe not perfect, but those trivial flaws were not worth mentioning to a cat lover. The only thing that made her crazy was the background music, somehow it had to be Little Apple? It was such a cliché and vulgar song!

She strongly urged Zhang Zian to change the song!

Zhang Zian said displeasingly, "Little Apple is a bit vulgar, but at least with the strong beats, it’s more efficient to teach the kittens, and people can’t help but want to follow the moves. Do you want me to teach them Pavarotti’s My Sun? That is surely classic, but the question is, can the kittens master such a song?"

Zhao Qi became quiet. After all, Zhang Zian was the one responsible for teaching the kittens, and there’s nothing she can do about if even she was not satisfied with the music.