WebNovelPet King17.03%

Absolute Foreigners

After leaving the pet shop, Song Bai and Zhao Qi parted ways. Zhao Qi went to pick up her clothes at the dry cleaner’s, while Song Bai called a taxi to take him home.

"Can you drive faster please?" said Song Bai to the taxi driver. He wanted to get back to his home as soon as possible so that he could start editing his video clips, as if he was a child who just got a new set of building blocks and couldn't wait to let his imagination fly.

Through the rear mirror, the taxi driver noticed the cat carrier Song Bai was holding, and he chuckled, "What did you buy? A cat or a dog?"

"A cat." Song Bai was stunned, "But how did you know I bought a pet?"

"Because I saw you walk out from the pet shop. It's quite famous around this neighborhood," said the taxi driver, "I mainly drive around this area and I've seen many passengers come here to buy pets—but recently, few passengers have gone there. I wonder if the owner's business is running into difficulties?"