WebNovelPet King17.09%

Over the Great Wall

Song Bai hesitated for a while, but he decided to trust Black Flower.

He opened the door to his bedroom, "Come in."

Black Flower walked into this room with curiosity. The room seemed a bit dark because the curtains had been drawn, but that didn’t impact it very much.

Song Bai sat into the chair in front of the desk, put on a pair of headphones and said, "I’m going to work now. Please be good."

As soon as he got home, he imported the video clips from his SD card into the computer. Seeing that the transmission had been completed, he launched Final Cut Pro and began to edit the videos he recorded today.

Some vloggers tended to show their daily lives to the audience with little to no editing to their videos, but Song Bai preferred to make his content seem more coherent, so he edited every issue of his vlog painstakingly. He became increasingly adept at editing videos, and now he was focusing on the videos and the timeline slider on the computer screen.