WebNovelPet King20.40%


Just like that day a few months ago, Zhang Zian dragged his luggage from a taxi and stood in front of the Amazing Fate Pet Shop. A notice paper was attached to the shutter door just like last time, but the content of the notice was not that the shop would be temporarily closed — the shop would be re-opened soon.

Because of the long journey, he was fatigued, and he yawned. He shuddered as the chilliness crawled into his collar. Within only a few days, the temperature of Binhai City had declined even more, making him miss the Los Angeles he had just left.

He tore off the paper, unlocked and pulled up the shutter door, and opened the glass door inside. He took a deep breath. There was no strange smell in the shop. It seemed like Wang Qian and Li Kun did clean up the shop as he had instructed.

The kittens in the shop heard the noise and surrounded him at the door. Their voices sounded energetic, so they were probably not starving. And the water in basins was very clear.