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When going to bed in the evening, Zhang Zian asked Famous to sleep with everyone else in the bedroom. It agreed and walked beside Galaxy’s crib, requesting to sleep there. Since Galaxy had no objection, Zhang Zian fetched a blanket for it.

However, after Zhang Zian went to bed and turned off the lights, Famous shouted in horror and fear. Its hysterical screaming had startled the drowsy Zhang Zian and other elves. Fortunately, it was about eight o'clock in the evening and it was not yet time for the neighbors to fall asleep. Otherwise, someone would have come to complain about the disturbing noises...

Famous was still haunted by fear and wouldn’t agree to turn off the lights. But with the lights on, Zhang Zian and the other elves couldn’t sleep well. Finally, with a blanket in its teeth, it went to the living room, which had been connected to the bedroom, and found a corner where Zhang Zian had put a small night light. It slept there with the light on.