WebNovelPet King30.54%

Pet Boarding

Zhao Qi and Shi Shi could not stop talking, and didn't remember their real business until Zhang Zian reminded them.

Then Zhang Zian asked, "Plus, isn't today a working day? You have jobs, unlike me. Why did you skip work and come to my pet shop?"  

"I'm not with them, just giving them a ride." Zhao Qi clarified. "I'm planning on using my vacation days along with the Spring Festival holidays, and travel abroad." 

"Travelling abroad...did you pay off your credit card debt?" Zhang Zian asked with doubt.  

Zhao Qi was typical of the type of people who had nothing left by the end of each month, and could never improve during the next month. Every time she swore to herself not to buy anything irrational, she still lost control every time she saw bags, clothes and shoes of famous brands on sale. Every time she shared her credit card bill on Wechat Moments, she complained that she could only afford to eat dirt the following month.