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Kennel Cough

Shi Shi thought that since Zhang Zian had accepted Zhao Qi's cat, it would not be a problem for him to accept her dog. But when Zhang Zian turned her down, she asked in surprise, "Why?"

"Because it is ill. Its illness must be cured first." Zhang Zian answered very simply and firmly, "My pet shop doesn't provide pet boarding services for sick pets. Even if you go to other stores, those pet shop owners won't accept it either."

"It just caught a cold! A cold!" Shi Shi stressed, lifting the Labrador from the ground. "You see, Xiao La is only coughing and sneezing a little. It's actually very healthy! And we have already fed the cold medicine to it. It will recover in two days."

"Cold medicine? You mean the cold medicine for human beings?" Zhang Zian asked.

Shi Shi blinked and looked at Zhang Zian as if he had asked an unnecessary question. "Of course, it was a very high-grade imported cold medicine that I would take when I caught a cold."