WebNovelPet King32.08%

Bedtime Rock and Roll

"Bedtime! Bedtime! I'm turning the lights off!"

At 10 pm, when most people were enjoying their nightlife, Zhang Zian was putting the elfins to bed. To get up early every day, they had to sleep early as well. Otherwise, they were drowsy during the day, and couldn't do anything properly. 

"Meow, meow, meow! Where's my late night snack? Where are my roasted balls?" Snowy Lionet scratched at his pants and yelled non-stop.  

"There's no late snack. Who's eating a late snack anyways? Don't you think you're fat enough?" Zhang Zian refused, using a random reason. He couldn't allow Snowy Lionet to develop a habit of eating roasted balls. Besides, how should he even roast them? Put two fresh eggs in a bowl, send them to Uncle and Aunt Li, and ask them to roast them? No way.   

"Hmph!" Snowy Lionet pouted unhappily. It noticed the phone in Zhang Zian's hand and asked, "What are you looking for? What the heck is jockstrap underwear?"