WebNovelPet King32.14%

The Night at the Pet Shop

The fluorescent light of the computer was shining upon Pi's face, and its clip-on glasses were glowing from the metal, made of an unknown material.

It lightly pressed on the keys one after another on the keyboard, out of fear of disturbing the other's rest. Since its typing speed couldn't keep up with the speed of its thinking, the progress of its writing had inevitably been slowed down. But it had no other choice.

In the dead of night, even the fan sound from the laptop was particularly harsh. From time to time, Pi tilted its head to look around the bedroom and see if it had disturbed Zhang Zian or the other elves.

After Zhang Zian and Snowy Lionet finished their argument, silence returned to the room. Because of its night blindness, Richard, who had always been nosey, couldn't participate in their conversation.

Old Time Tea always slept soundly, like it could stay asleep even if Mount Tai were to collapse over its head.