WebNovelPet King36.93%


It was a tradition to stay awake during Chinese New Year's Eve.The entire family stayed together until the first light of the New Year shone through the window, and the figurative ceremony of waving goodbye to the old year and hello to the new year was completed.

Of course, pulling an allnighter wasn't healthy. Nowadays, very few people stayed up the entire night. Most stayed awake until midnight, then went to sleep after the fireworks dwindled down.  

In fact, Fina, Snowy Lionet, Richard and Famous fell asleep before midnight. Only Old Time Tea, Galaxy and Pi stayed awake.  

Old Time Tea just drank two cups of hot tea. The caffeine in the tea made it restless. It wanted to celebrate a modern New Year, so it stayed in front of the TV and watched the Spring Festival Gala.  

Galaxy was playing with the kittens.  

Pi was too excited about its surprisingly good numbers to fall asleep. It constantly refreshed the author's main page, each click made it more and more awake.