WebNovelPet King36.99%


While the shoe store went through renovations, Zhang Zian had the idea to connect it to the pet store. That way, there was no need to head outside. However, he gave the idea up because there was no reason to go through all that trouble just for the 10 steps it took to get into the shoe store by going outside.

The shoe store was slightly bigger than the pet store, and Zhang Zian hadn't yet decided on how to better make use of the space. He had been thinking of bringing in new pets because the pet prices would drop to an all-time low, thanks to the Love Lovely Pets incident, but Zhang Zian hadn't made up his mind on what breed to get.

Zhang Zian went downstairs as he put on clothes. He tried to soften his footsteps so he wouldn't disturb the elfins and animals that were still asleep, but the shutter doors made noise when he opened them.

However, the shutter doors were nothing compared to the fireworks.

The scent of gunpowder wafted through the air with the midnight breeze.