WebNovelPet King40.24%

Novelty Hunting

Piranhas were famous in China due to cheesy American horror movies; people were terrified at the mention of them. The highly aggressive and schooling breed of fish included a few dozen species in and of themselves. They were not a protected species, but as long as people were dumb enough to continually release them into local waters, then they would continue to bring a devastating impact upon the ecosystem.

However, piranhas lived in the tropical forest of the Amazon. The ice-covered, northern part of Germany could not sustain their survival. Even if they escaped unexpectedly from breeders, they would soon freeze to death.  

Piranhas were not pretty in shape, thus most owners were either hunting for novelty alone or had a nefarious taste, like Karl. The old man was retired, yet he still greatly enjoyed pranking people. It was no wonder Reina complained about his odd character.